Driffield Steam Rally
5 August - 11 August

Driffield Showground, Driffield, YO25 9DN
Membership cards or Digital version MUST be shown on arrival NO card NO ENTRY.
This is a major Steam Engine and Vintage Fair with classic cars, motorcycles, cycles, tractors, commercials, mini steam engines, large steam engines, stationary engines, trade stalls, craft stalls, food stalls.
Organs playing all day and plenty to do and see right up to 11.00 pm.
The entrance Tickets to get into the Steam Rally are £12.00 per person for the duration of Rally.
You can go in and out of the event as you like on foot, (no vehicles to leave camp area between 10am-6pm on show days Sat / Sun please bear this in mind if you wish to go off site, no vehicles to drive in the show area at any times).
There will be a parade of vintage vehicles through Driffield on Saturday evening. (TBC).
Please send stamped addressed envelope for return of vehicle passes.
All outfits MUST be pre-Booked by the 26th July. No late bookings can be accepted.
Rally Opens: 2pm Wednesday Closes: noon Monday
Rally Fee: £35.50 for 2 nights incl. £2.00 non-returnable booking fee.
£14.40 extra nights. Please indicate on slip.