Northern Centres 2025
15 April - 22 April

Victoria Park, Southport, Merseyside PR8 2BZ
The rally can be booked for 4 or 5 nights and runs from 12.00noon on Thursday 17th April until 12 noon on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 5 nights or as required 4 nights see booking details below (event closed and the site must be vacated by 12 noon on Tuesday 22nd April 2025).
No units to arrive before 12.00 noon on 15th April.
Additional nights can be booked if required for the Tuesday and Wednesday night preceding the start of the event.
Electricity is available but must be booked for the whole period of your attendance at the rally see details below for information.
A full programme of events is planned which will include a children’s entertainer, professional entertainers (2 nights), Caravan and Motorhome Club Band, tea dance with afternoon tea, Easter Egg hunt, children’s bike ride, Easter Bonnet parade and dog show.
A Marquee will also be erected with seating to cater for all attending.
Rally Fee 4 Nights…£95.00 inc. VAT. (please advise which day you are arriving Thursday or Friday)
Rally Fee 5 Nights…£111.00 inc. VAT
Extra nights Tuesday Night…£16.00 inc. VAT Wednesday Night £16.00. inc. VAT
Electric Hook-up cost per night…£5.00 incld. VAT (Total payable must be for all nights booked as above)
Please note if you wish to be sited within a group please arrive together
Payment by BACS to:
Account Name: Caravan Club Northern Centres
Sort Code: 05-00-05
Account No.: 04486986
Cheques made payable to “Caravan Club Northern Centres”
To pay by cheque please contact the Northern Centres Treasurer via email or mobile for return address
Treasurer Roger Higson Tel: 07970 522849 Email roger.higson1@btopenworld.com.